Finding the right job candidate is hard…
…but talented people are core for your business success. Conscript can FIND RIGHT CANDIDATE FOR YOUR Business
Add ideal candidates to Your Team
​Each client & candidate has a different set of skills and demands. And we at Conscript predict trends and study the market & industry constantly, enabling us to tailor proactive solutions than reactive.
Our Approach
We’re more than just a recruitment agency.

​Each client & candidate has a different set of skills and demands. And we at Conscript predict trends and study the market & industry constantly, enabling us to tailor proactive solutions than reactive.

We will work with you to create ideal staffing and/or workforce solutions, which works best for your organization and also meets its requirements.

With access to various qualified candidates and expert consultancy, we assure you that you will get the right people for your jobs, whenever you need them.
Here's How We Do It
Sourcing Great Candidates
Telephone pre-screening of applicants
Pre-Screening skill set
Quality question process
Resume Screening
Web based recruiting
Targeted recruiting areas
Mobile job fairs
Risk Assessment/ Screening
Behavioral Screening
Skill Set evaluation & Work experience
Making a Great Match
Job Specific Workplace Safety
client orientation
First day on-site check in
Requirement specific testing for clients
Background Check & drug screening
Weekly Quality Checks
Regular meetings
Employees training
Risk/ Safety Follow up
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