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Updated: Oct 11, 2018

Conducting an interview is one of the major and the most essential step

in the process of hiring an employee. A Job Interview provides the

employer a deeper insight into the candidate's background, job

experience, personality and various other things which can help the

employer scrutinize the suitability of the candidate for the job. It serves as the basis for evaluating the candidate and concluding if he/she deserves the particular job or not. It is also a chance for the applicant to

get to know about the business and the job position in a more comprehensive way so as to make a proper decision on whether to accept the job offer or not. Listed below are some tips on how the employers can make the interview simple, apt and less time-consuming:

1. The person taking the interview should always greet the candidate

warmly i.e. a firm handshake and a sweet statement, which

conveys a sense of comfort to the candidate.

2. An outline of the interview should be made i.e. the questions to be

asked, time to be given for each answer, etc. The resume should be

well studied and the information extracted from it should be very

specific and to the point.

3. The questions should be short and open-ended.

ï‚· The questions should be based on the following: -

a) Skills required.

b) Nature of the job.

c) Performance.

d) To obtain evidence regarding the skills mentioned in

the resume.

ï‚· Information should be provided on the following: -

a) The working environment and the conditions.

b) Benefits of the job.

c) Business information.

d) Pay (not compulsory).

4. The information about the job and the business should be provided

and the main motive and reason behind the job should be well

explained as it helps the applicants to adapt to the exact


5. While closing the interview the candidates should be thanked with

all regards for giving their time and interest. The reciprocation

period should be clearly indicated and the next steps to be

completed by the candidate should be explained.

6. The notes should be evaluated in a thorough unbiased manner.

Finally, the most deserving candidate should be given the job


Furthermore, there are certain federal laws in certain states against

discrimination in hiring (Equal Remuneration Act of 1976 in India).

Following are some questions from which the interviewer should refrain


1. Personal questions, concerning: -

a) Race.

b) Gender.

c) Marital status.

d) Religion.

e) Age.

f) National origin.

2. Questions like are you married? do you have children? From

where did you get that accent? Where were you born? Do you

have a spouse, where is he/she from? Etc. should be avoided as

they can make the candidate feel uncomfortable and it can also

cause trouble for the hiring company.

3. Even if the applicant offers some information about

himself/herself voluntarily, it should be simply ignored and should

not be engaged with.

4. Yes or no questions should be avoided and descriptive questions

should be asked. The candidate should be given an opportunity to

share his/her experiences if relevant as it only helps the employer

to know more about the candidate.


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