3 recruiting tips to find top non-profit talent In today’s fast growing and digital age of organization with a collective recruiting strategy approach from organized team and some...
Don’t Give Up Quality for Speed in Volume Hiring Today’s generation external recruiters focus on one objective: filling seats and getting everything in place We need to accept huge...
Online reference checking: Add more insights to your hiring process, plus time saving and complianceThe cost of a bad hiring decisions can be many times the salary for a given job role when you add up recruitment and advertising fees,...
Pre- Employment Assessment [ the ultimate guide] Pre-employment tests are an objective, standardized way of gathering data on candidates during the hiring process as according to...
A GUIDE TO ACCURATE ASSESSMENT: INTERVIEW GUIDELINES FOR EMPLOYERSConducting an interview is one of the major and the most essential step in the process of hiring an employee. A Job Interview provides...
WORK SPACE MIRRORS WORK CULTURE: HOW TO REFLECT A REPUTABLE COMPANY CULTURE THROUGH YOUR OFFICE SPANot only does the workplace have an imperative effect on employee productivity, it is also a reflection of the values your company stands...
SPOTING THE BEST OF THE BUNCH: TOP SKILLS A RECRUITER NEEDS TO LOOK FOR IN EVERY CANDIDATEThe Employment market has been advancing and candidates have been equipping themselves with the latest skills to enhance their...